
Want to know how much is an Italian property worth? In Italy there is no overall database of property listings such as the MLS system in the U.S.. However, we can calculate property values based on tax statistics and real estate listings of comparable properties. If you prefer, we can get a full property appraisal by a licensed surveyor (geometra) which can be useful for tax purposes or for a dispute. For a free price quote, simply complete the form below with your specific needs, including the complete address of the property and whether it is a residential or commercial property. If available, please provide a property description and/or its size (square footage or square meters), and whether you need a general idea of value, or a full on-site appraisal conducted by a professional expert. Please also indicate if the appraiser can access the property and go inside any buildings, or accessing the property is not possible and it must be a “curb evaluation”.

Service Request Form

Please fill out this form for a free price quote. The more details you provide, the better.

Italian Records

Get a personal record (vital record), criminal record, corporate record, property record, or any other Italian public record.


Italian tax code (codice fiscale), power of attorney, health insurance, visa bond and other services to help individuals with all their Italian matters.

Real Estate

Property finder, energy certificate (APE), property appraisals, title check, bill management, property compliance check and other real estate services.


Company tax code (codice fiscale), company incorporation, legal translations, Italian company records and other corporate services.